Wednesday, January 2, 2008

How to be Able to Forgive

If we were only material beings, if we were only what we touch and what we see, perhaps we will never be able to forgive, but there is something underneath our skin, there is something within our heart which is even deeper than our thought.

It is like a force, a power, a potency which will always go against what is neither right nor correct, but this faculty also has the greatness of feeling like his own toward all that exists. And embraces, contains, takes care, protects, honors and dignifies it. And when everything seems to go wrong, it arises with infinite purity and is able to give everything.

This condition, this force is the Spirit of Divine Breath and is also the true cause and reason of forgiveness.

What is the method to forgive? It is said that forgiveness is an act of justice and Love.
Justice establishes the importance of repentance and change, and Love transforms the error and turns, elevates and submerges it in a true change and what was darkness before, today will become light

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