Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Spiritual Life. For Reflection.

The lasting motivation to excel is the conscious exercise of the practice of a superior virtue, which grows in the aspiration to reach and to know real love.
For this reason, the spiritual life is a constant approach to:
study, work, devotion and it is very true that God
expresses Himself in our hearts.
Isn't this a reason for happiness?

Let's continue on the path that always is a divine gift.
It might happen that some of the moments lived, for
multiple reasons, are not always the most pleasing ones.
As lacking happiness, as if the light was extinguished,
but there is something important that is necessary to
apply. Although a mist seems to surround us. We have
to be the light in the darkness, because Love has to
illuminate the world from our inner self, in a tireless way.

Some of the sources of true and lasting life are
understanding, mercy, service.
We have to share
the Light and this will allow us to appreciate the
essential foundations of the soul.
In this way, all humanity becomes a message filled with life, joy, hope.
Whenever that we find conflict, bitterness, let's bring
sincerity and clarity, instead. This is the spiritual life.

1 comment:

Journey_of_Life said...

nice blog.
here's mine